La recolección de CaRTaS que integraran la 1ra BARAJA, continua abierta hasta NUEVO AVISO. Se enviaran invitaciones y publicara convocatoria online. ][ The compilation of LeTTeRS that should integrate the 1st BARAJA:BUNDLE/DECK, is yet open until NEW ANNOUNCEMENT. INVITATIONS will be sent and OPEN CALL published online.
The first Bundle/Deck of the INcognito (ego)Game, initiated as part of Escríbeme/Write to me, interactive work within the content of a solo exhibit I realized in August 2009 in Buenos Aires, proposes to gather " LeTTeRS " of varied types and formats as a non-linear and polymorphous communicational exercise of sorts, whose contents will be then integrated into a publication by Peras de Olmo Producciones/Elm's Pears Productions [TM].
peras.de.olmo.art@gmail.com graciela.ovejero@gmail.com
::::::: CaRTaS/tarjetas y mapas: magna, de juego de mesa, de identidad, cartas de adivinar, de noticias, de comentarios de viajes, de referencia o recomendación, de conmemoración, de amor o zozobra, carta bancaria, de débito, recibida o por enviar, carta blanca, carta blanco, carta natal, geográfica o de cartógrafo, carta de vinos o de chantaje, en clave secreta, carta al futuro, al big-bang, carta al ratón Pérez o a sus acreedores, carta manuscrita, a máquina o tipeada, dibujada, grabada, en piedra, madera, metal, arcilla, celuloide o digital, en sonido o video, en una botella o lanzada a la web, carta linkeada, etiquetada, pirateada, carta sin destinatario pero con rumbo definido…
:::::::LeTTeRs/cards & charts: principal or constitutional letter, covering letter, game of cards, identity cards, divinatory cards, news letters, letters of voyages, of reference or recommendation, of commemoration, of love or anxiety, bank letter, of savings or debit, debit card, letter received or to ber sent, carte blanche, letter target, birth chart, geographical or planetary chart, letter or map from a cartographer, blackmail, coded mail, letter to the future, the big-bang, freedom or death, letter to the animals and the rivers, letter to the ice, manuscripted letter, typed letter, drawn, recorded, engraved, on stone, wood, metal, clay, celluloid or digital, in sound or video, in a bottle or sent to the web, linked letter, tagged letter, pirated, letter without recipient but with a definite course …